For foreign customers

Dear foreign cusotmers,

Yes, we can deliever our product to your countries. Please follow the following steps below:

1. Place your order from


  DO NOT PAY right after you click "ORDER CONFIRMATION" because we have to recalculate the shipping fee to your countries.


  b. email us:

  Email us your shopping list and we will calculate the shipping fee.


  c. message us directly from FaceBook message function

  Message us your list and we will calculate the shipping fee. 

2. After we recalculate the shipping fee, we will email the link to you, with total amount (tea+recalculated shipping).

3. Check out with your credit card or use ATM if you have bank accounts in Taiwan. 

(You need to create an account in order to check out by credit card. Please Let us know if you need help to create an account)

Please give us few days to process the orders. Thank you for your patient and thank you for choosing Wang Tea.

Due to COVID-19, the parcel might take even longer time to get into your hands. Sorry for the inconvenience.



(updated 2020/3/28)

Jason Wang