[Announcement] 有鑒於外國網友在使用翻譯軟體時誤會我們的標價幣別,現在就加上了NT$而不光是$,謝謝網友的建議,讓我們的購網網站持續的進化,下一波進化 #applepay #androidpay
When our foreign customers using translation software, the software translated $ into US$. Here we are announcing that we are charing in NEW TAIWAN DOLLAR in stead of US dollar. Sorry for misunderstanding and thank you for reporting the bug. We are trying to our shopping website better and better. Next evolution: #applepay and #andriodpay
#台幣 #非美金 #NewTaiwanDollar #NOTUSDollar #線上買茶 #onlineteashopping #有記名茶 #Wangtea #Taipei1890