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Weekend Out 7 節目拍攝

交通部觀光局要在中東推廣台灣的觀光旅遊,找來杜拜的拍攝團隊製作旅遊節目,與知名行腳節目Weekend Out 合作行銷台灣,當中走訪許多景點,有記名茶為其中之一必來景點(謎之音:中東來台灣一個weekend 夠嗎?),快來玩吧!

Tourism Bureau found a Dubai team and cooperate with Weekend Out show shooting a film in order to promo Taiwan's tourism. Wangtea 有記名茶 is one of the hotspots in Taipei. (OS: Is it long enough for middle east people coming to Taiwan for only a weekend?) Come see us and also the charcoal roasting room.