Posts tagged roasting



工作累了嗎?美好的 #下午茶 時光,吃個蛋捲,配杯茶,愜意 #afternoontea #yummy #有記名茶 #teatime#takeabreak #奇種烏龍 #絕配

工作累了嗎?美好的 #下午茶 時光,吃個蛋捲,配杯茶,愜意 #afternoontea #yummy #有記名茶 #teatime#takeabreak #奇種烏龍 #絕配

今天的 #下午茶 是什麼呢?準備了甜甜的 #蜂蜜蛋糕 ,配上一杯帶有果香與蜜香的 #東方美人 ,不能再更搭了#有記名茶 #afternoontea #teatime#takeabreak #絕配 #Taipei1890

今天的 #下午茶 是什麼呢?準備了甜甜的 #蜂蜜蛋糕 ,配上一杯帶有果香與蜜香的 #東方美人 ,不能再更搭了
#有記名茶 #afternoontea #teatime#takeabreak #絕配 #Taipei1890

當 #只溶你口不溶你手的 #巧克力 在口中遇上有記名茶中度 #烘焙的 #奇種烏龍茶 會產生什麼樣的火花呢? 是衝突?還是融合?是探戈?還是華爾滋?快來親身體驗並說出你的感受吧!

當 #只溶你口不溶你手的 #巧克力 在口中遇上有記名茶中度 #烘焙的 #奇種烏龍茶 會產生什麼樣的火花呢? 是衝突?還是融合?是探戈?還是華爾滋?快來親身體驗並說出你的感受吧!

今天的下午茶是什麼呢?在小花園中吃著手工 #起司塔 配 #蜜香紅茶 ,濃郁的起司香氣,在口中慢慢的化開,含入一口帶有自然甜味的台灣蜜香紅茶,兩者交織而成不同的口感,迎接夏天的到來 #yummy #Taipei1890 #絕配 #takeabreak#teatime #afternoontea #有記名茶#wangtea #下午茶

今天的下午茶是什麼呢?在小花園中吃著手工 #起司塔 配 #蜜香紅茶 ,濃郁的起司香氣,在口中慢慢的化開,含入一口帶有自然甜味的台灣蜜香紅茶,兩者交織而成不同的口感,迎接夏天的到來 #yummy #Taipei1890 #絕配 #takeabreak#teatime #afternoontea #有記名茶#wangtea #下午茶

今天的下午茶時光吃的是什麼呢?老奶奶檸檬蛋糕,酸酸甜甜的滋味配上一杯冷泡的文山包種,在融合的過程當中,提升花的香氣與蛋糕的質感,重點是,這是有記名茶夥伴的 #手作蛋糕 ,上面那層糖霜根本就是甜點店等級的啊,據可靠消息指出成本「不敢算」。 #下午茶 #下午茶時光#afternoontea #teatime #takeabrake #文山包種 #檸檬蛋糕 #🍋 #夥伴好棒棒 #👏

今天的下午茶時光吃的是什麼呢?老奶奶檸檬蛋糕,酸酸甜甜的滋味配上一杯冷泡的文山包種,在融合的過程當中,提升花的香氣與蛋糕的質感,重點是,這是有記名茶夥伴的 #手作蛋糕 ,上面那層糖霜根本就是甜點店等級的啊,據可靠消息指出成本「不敢算」。 #下午茶 #下午茶時光#afternoontea #teatime #takeabrake #文山包種 #檸檬蛋糕 #🍋 #夥伴好棒棒 #👏

[下午茶]煮烏龍奶茶中 #dizzy #下午茶 #teatime #oolongmilktea #天然不加糖

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Weekend Out 7 節目拍攝

交通部觀光局要在中東推廣台灣的觀光旅遊,找來杜拜的拍攝團隊製作旅遊節目,與知名行腳節目Weekend Out 合作行銷台灣,當中走訪許多景點,有記名茶為其中之一必來景點(謎之音:中東來台灣一個weekend 夠嗎?),快來玩吧!

Tourism Bureau found a Dubai team and cooperate with Weekend Out show shooting a film in order to promo Taiwan's tourism. Wangtea 有記名茶 is one of the hotspots in Taipei. (OS: Is it long enough for middle east people coming to Taiwan for only a weekend?) Come see us and also the charcoal roasting room.



The charcoal roasting event has come to the end after two weeks of hard working. We proudly say that we really made some good tea and we were really enjoy in it though more than 200 degree celsius of heat tanning our skins. For those who attended, we hope that you learn some knowledges about not only charcoal roasting but also the raw and refinery process, especially refinery one. Please follow us on our official website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and line@. Feel free to give us a call to pop up any questions or make a next reservation.  

How do we classify different teas in Taiwan?
  • Green Tea is non-fermented, to be detail
    1. Pan-fired green tea

    2. steam grean tea
  • Wen Shan Pouchong Tea, from northern part of Taiwan, is 8~10% fermented and the shaped is straight. When you drink Pouchong Tea, the natural flower aroma will fulfill your mouth, and there is also a sweet aftertaste.

  • High Mountain Oolong Tea, from middle and southern part of Taiwan, is 15~20% fermented and it shaped like a small ball. Oolong Tea has natural fruit aroma

  • Tei Kuan Yin Tea is, from Muzha (Taiwan) and Anxi (China), 15~30% fermented. The shape, not as much as Oolong Tea, is curling. The feature is natural orchid aroma and special Tei Kuan Yin aftertaste. 

  • Oriental Beauty is 45~50% fermented. The main origin is Hsinchu and Miaoli. The tea leaf looks thick and big, and has various colored, such as, red, yellow and green. The tea color is bright jacinth, and the aroma is like honey and permeating with strong fruit.

  • Black Tea is 100% fermented, more detail
    1. Orthodox

    2. C.T.C

    3. Leg Cut

The higher the fermentation, the more theaflavin and thearubigin, the darker the tea. You can distinguish Green Tea (green) from Oolong Tea (yellow), and from Oriental Beauty and Black Tea (dark red), but it is not accurate to judge tea's fermentation by it's colour, because the time and the temperature of curing can transform the tea's colour. (when we use the evaluate method to brew the tea )