Posts tagged history

Ew Kee,來自於早期的品牌名稱「王有記茶行」,但這中間的關聯性到底在哪?讓我們看下去。

早期有記名茶以外銷為主,因為外銷時需要有英文品牌名稱(不然外國人哪看得懂?這是國際化的一種表徵),有記名茶第三代-王澄清先生,來自於福建安溪,說著是閩南話,所以當初請人翻譯的時候,以口說的方式,請人音譯「王有記茶行」,音譯先生就直譯出: Ong Ew Kee Tea Hong ,而有記也用 Ong Ew Kee Tea Hong,走跳國際江湖超過一甲子的時間,在當時,佔了泰國茶葉市場一半以上,至今都還有一小間店面在曼谷的中國城裡。目前台北大稻埕有記名茶股份有限公司的英文名稱為 Taipei Wangtea Enterprise Co., Ltd.,一家可以代表台北歷史與文化的百年老店。

在規劃新的包裝設計時,決定要讓Ewkee 重現江湖,再度擦亮金字招牌,也期許當有記在台灣的腳步站穩之後,能再次重返國際的市場。近幾年,國、內外的茶葉市場又再度蓬勃發展起來,以整個國際市場來看,紅茶還是屬於最大宗的品項,單就台灣而言,還是習慣飲用烏龍茶(半發酵茶)為主,烏龍茶不僅僅是台灣的特色,也同時還有很大的發展空間,拜珍珠奶茶、罐裝茶飲料的興盛,讓台灣茶的名聲享譽國際,雖然有記目前沒有再供應國際的茶批發市場,但在零售方面,也是有所收穫。

除了早期的招牌之外,也融入早期外銷時所用的嘜頭的概念,何謂嘜頭?嘜頭類似mark,像模板一樣。一開始在外銷時,茶葉是用紙包裝起來(四兩包並無防潮之功用),裝茶的箱子內層是用木頭釘起來的,外層再用篾片編織成防護罩(竹子編織而成),目的是為了防潮,能吸收船運時海上的濕氣與水氣,進而保持茶葉的乾燥,而竹編的箱子並不像是紙箱可以做印刷,所以我們會請人打好嘜頭,放到箱子上,一個一個刷上去,一邊刷有記,一邊刷對方的店號(像是To and From),旁邊再刷上品名、重量等資訊,在製作嘜頭時,為了保持字的完整性,會有「斷點」出現,沒有這些的斷點,就變成鏤空的字體不易辨識,造就了其特殊性與歷史意義。






Read an article on a news paper, 經濟日報, which was talking about aviation industry, saying that the numbers in the deal were enormous so sometimes the international purchasing is not only trading purpose but also diplomatic concerns.

The older generation has talked about how good the Taiwan tea industry was back then, which was more than 50% of exportation value, equal to the technology industry now. The value of tea business men was like the aviation industry now. Can you even imagine that? The government would try to "make things right" through the tea business men because "the things" should be under table and sometimes often because Taiwan did not have the relationship with those countries. It was easier for the governments to cooperate with each other through NGO. 

There was a down time for the tea business in Taiwan but we can proudly saying that tea is back on track now recently. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Tourism Bureau of Taiwan would bring some guests to Taipei WangTea (有記名茶), and we are always introducing the tea history, culture, process, and categorizing to them so that those guests could know more about us. Tea is not just for drinking but also a way to communicate with each others. Moreover, sometimes the communication while brewing tea is more important than the cup of tea we drink. It is kind of "Tea diplomacy."

2016/12/14 經濟日報 

2016/12/14 經濟日報