

We close from Jan 1 2017 to Feb 2 2017 during the Chinese New Year. The online shopping shipment will restart on Feb 3. During the period, The Wang Refinery Factory will close so if you need to buy some tea, you can go to our stores in the department stores or Jinan store.

[公告] 免運費門檻與代收手續費調整

為提供更好的服務與反應成本上漲,預計於農曆年後 2017/2/1 起調整免運費門檻,調整金額如下 (只適用台灣本島):

  • 消費金額未達NT$3500酌收物流處理費:NT$150 (優惠期間NT$100)


  • 購物總金額未滿$4000,需額外多支付$60手續費







Read an article on a news paper, 經濟日報, which was talking about aviation industry, saying that the numbers in the deal were enormous so sometimes the international purchasing is not only trading purpose but also diplomatic concerns.

The older generation has talked about how good the Taiwan tea industry was back then, which was more than 50% of exportation value, equal to the technology industry now. The value of tea business men was like the aviation industry now. Can you even imagine that? The government would try to "make things right" through the tea business men because "the things" should be under table and sometimes often because Taiwan did not have the relationship with those countries. It was easier for the governments to cooperate with each other through NGO. 

There was a down time for the tea business in Taiwan but we can proudly saying that tea is back on track now recently. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Tourism Bureau of Taiwan would bring some guests to Taipei WangTea (有記名茶), and we are always introducing the tea history, culture, process, and categorizing to them so that those guests could know more about us. Tea is not just for drinking but also a way to communicate with each others. Moreover, sometimes the communication while brewing tea is more important than the cup of tea we drink. It is kind of "Tea diplomacy."

2016/12/14 經濟日報 

2016/12/14 經濟日報 



觀察與思考了一陣子,既然是LED當道的年代,誰還在用傳統燈管?立馬衝去中華路買了一捲5m的藍色LED,一個變壓器,手刀衝回有記,開始了水電工的工作,該剪的剪,該接的接,該黏的黏,該裝的妝,叮~ 帶著緊張的心情打開了開關,跟新的一樣啊!!!泛著淡淡的藍光,內心感動流淚,太強了!是否該考慮轉行?


[Repairing] Since last time we fix our heater, we decided to repair the restroom sign, which was declared dead by the electrician, who said there is no replacement and need to change the whole set. Well, I just don't believe that.

After couple of thoughts, we went to Zhonghua road (中華路) to buy a 5m blue LED, and one transformer and started to repair it by ourselves. BOOM, there you go. A shiny new sign has reborn. 

維修Jason Wang維修, LED, 指示燈
Weekend Out 7 節目拍攝

交通部觀光局要在中東推廣台灣的觀光旅遊,找來杜拜的拍攝團隊製作旅遊節目,與知名行腳節目Weekend Out 合作行銷台灣,當中走訪許多景點,有記名茶為其中之一必來景點(謎之音:中東來台灣一個weekend 夠嗎?),快來玩吧!

Tourism Bureau found a Dubai team and cooperate with Weekend Out show shooting a film in order to promo Taiwan's tourism. Wangtea 有記名茶 is one of the hotspots in Taipei. (OS: Is it long enough for middle east people coming to Taiwan for only a weekend?) Come see us and also the charcoal roasting room.



The charcoal roasting event has come to the end after two weeks of hard working. We proudly say that we really made some good tea and we were really enjoy in it though more than 200 degree celsius of heat tanning our skins. For those who attended, we hope that you learn some knowledges about not only charcoal roasting but also the raw and refinery process, especially refinery one. Please follow us on our official website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and line@. Feel free to give us a call to pop up any questions or make a next reservation.  

購物車改版 Brand new shopping website

[公告] 在歷經數個月的時間之後,線上商店終於大改版,整個介面的設計,支援RWD、SSL,消費者可以更放心地消費,也可以更方便的用手機瀏覽頁面,如果有遇到操作上的問題,再麻煩跟我們反應,請大家多加使用。





[ANNOUNCEMENT] Few months of hard work and waiting, the online store has been redesigned completely, including the user interface design, supporting RWD, and SSL, so that the consumers can shop safely, and can also be more convenient to browse the page on the mobile. If you have encountered any operational issues, please contact us. Feel free to click the link below.


For foreign customer, you can translate the page by google translator (sorry that it doesnt support multilanguage) on the upper right. You also can read the instructions by the link below.


Never stop improving ourselves.


[公告]新的網站經過幾個禮拜的努力終於上線了,全新的感受,符合現代的潮流,支援RWD,支援中、英、日(當然會看中文的朋友們還是比較有福氣 lol ),支援SSL(天啊!怎麼這麼符合時代)。

有記名茶的舊的網站由第四代負責人自己架設,目前已經轉到 http://old.wangtea.com.tw 有需要找資料的朋友還是可以拜訪,新的網站一樣不假手他人,藉由科技的進步,人人都可以輕鬆架設官網(其實打到手腕抽筋),網站的資料會再慢慢建立,請各位多加利用。

有記名茶站在專業茶商的角色,官網主要是建立品牌形象,裡面包含茶葉的製造、知識、沖泡方法,當然不免俗的會有工商服務的部分,在這邊也預告有記名的購物車將於2016/10/31 Monday 改版更新,請大家忍一下,晚點再上線購買囉!


[ANNOUNCEMENT] Brand new website has gone public after several weeks of efforts, brand new UI, more modern, support RWD, support Chinese, English, Japanese (but we still have more info in Chinese lol), Support SSL (oh my God! finaly! Google please make my ranking higher!).

The old wangtea website, which built by the 4th generation, has now been transferred to http://old.wangtea.com.tw . Those who need to find information can visit the old website as well. Due to the predecesor was too awesome, the next generation need to be more awesome, so we use technological to build the latest website. Everyone can build their own website easily (actually the wrist is crampped right now). We will keep updating our webiste so please use it more often expecially when you want to brew tea and you do not know how to do it.

As a professional tea business model, we are building up our brand image. The website contains tea manufacturing, knowledge, brewing method, of course, there will be a online shop.

At this moment, we also want to announce that we will update our onlineshop on 2016/10/31 to be more user friendly on mobile devices. Please wait for us if you want to buy tea at that that.



公告Jason Wang公告









1.傳統方式:沖泡一泡茶葉的量,大約是4~5公克,沖泡的次數大約是6次左右,累積起來的的茶水量,大約是在500 c.c. 上下。

2.簡易沖泡方式:通常建議的比例是1:80。1公克的茶葉可以沖泡到80 c.c. 的水量,以沖泡一個寶特瓶的量(500 c.c.),大約只需要用到5~6公克的茶葉。




     NT$X            NT$1600
    ------    :      --------
       6g                  600g



得證 X =16



罐裝飲料茶的售價大概是在NT$20-NT$30 之間,




並無所謂 “專門冷泡茶”,



就可以得到500 c.c. 左右的冷泡好茶。
